Explore. Dream. Discover

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

-Mark Twain

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

If only finals were like this at Bates...

Unreal. My final paper is due this Friday, I'll have my project presentation on Friday morning and then I will be done with the semester. No huge tests. Only 1 major paper. After that, I'm off to St. Lucia to go on safari and a crocodile boat ride. I guess this is the only semester of my life I'll be rewarded for my "hard work" with a safari. I put hard work in quotations because academically this semester has been pretty relaxed.

Only 9 days until I'm in Cape Town with Mom and John. I can't believe I'll be back in the US in only 16 days! Where did the semester go? I've been going on and on about how fast the semester has been flying by but it's so true. I guess that's not a bad thing. Although I love South Africa it's about time to go home. The students on my program are nice but I really am missing all of you. It's not the same without you: my friends and family. I'm also feeling restless. Yes, I've had amazing experiences but I haven't had a ton of opportunities to leave Durban since rural homestays. I guess that's the price I pay for staying in the city for my ISP. That's probably why I'm SO excited to go to St. Lucia and then to Cape Town. To do something different, to see a different city, to have a different experience. I'm also so excited to go on safari because that's something I've ALWAYS wanted to do. Ever since I was little I've dreamed of going on safari and now it's happening! Although I have seen 3 of the big 5 during our last short stay in St. Lucia, I'm hoping to see the last 2: lions and leopards. I also hope I get to see some giraffes because they're one of my favorite animals.

Miss you all!

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